This is for one, new in box. A box has two bundle of 豊山香(戒) incense sticks. hatsuseka Yamatoen Hasedera temple 長谷寺 incense from Nara Japan original sandalwood sticks. Shipping from USA
This is 豊山香(戒)
A refreshing incense stick based on sandalwood.
It has a reputation for being easy to use.
This is the most popular incense stick.
Hasedera Temple, located in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, is the head temple of the Shingon sect of Buddhism, founded in 686. It has been a sacred place for Kannon worship since ancient times, and the principal image is Japan's largest Kannon statue. It is also known as the ``Flower Temple'' because a variety of beautiful flowers bloom throughout the year within the temple grounds.
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